Monday, May 26, 2008


The unofficial beginning of summer. Gotta love it! We had a summer like day. We slept in. Had coffee in bed while watching the Today Show. We then pulled ourselves out from under the covers and made our way to the new Paradise Bakery about three miles from the house. We enjoyed our favorite muffins as we sat outside on the patio. It was a warm morning.

We then made a stop at Lowe's for items we needed around the house. We met friends and enjoyed the fourth Indiana Jones movie. I grew up with this guy! And I have to tell you ole Indy made the new Senior adult crowd proud. He moved a bit slower, but he still took care of business. It was great fun.

We had a late lunch, then home to do chores around the house. I actually did a tune up on my lawn mower. Anyone who knows me is right now picking their jaw up off the ground. I did it! I changed oil, replaced an air filter and...well I was unable to get the spark plug out, but two out of three steps is not bad.

Overall great day! It is a wonderful beginning of summer.

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