Thursday, August 16, 2007


Stacy Dragila was a pioneer of women’s pole vaulting. She won the first Olympic Gold medal in this event. She has achieved three world championships, 17 US titles and has held the world record both indoors and out.

However, Stacy did what few others at a late competitive age would attempt. She overhauled her technique in order to stay at the top of world competition. This is “…a radical move few athletes would attempt so late in their careers” (The Buffalo News, 5.11.04, pg D-1).

Her coach remarked, “To get up at age 30 and change all that is extremely difficult.” Stacy observes, “It was like, I’ve done things for 10 years in certain ways and now you’re asking me to change?” She embarked on the hard work of change, because not to do so would be disastrous.

Leaders need to change. It will be uncomfortable. It will demand unprecedented paradigm shifts. But it has to be done. Leaders cannot afford to stay the same in technique, nor in mindset! Am I leaders change? Absolutely!

We need leaders to push the envelope of territorialism. We need leaders to challenge the status quo. Leaders must stretch beyond their resources to the place where they are desperately dependent on God. Not to do so will leave a leader in the wasteland of mediocrity.

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